Jeff Williams | Web Developer

About me

Hi there! I'm Jeff. I'm an electronic musician who loves building things with code. I first discovered programming through computer music. For over ten years, I've used visual programming languages like Max and Pure Data to make custom instruments and audio effects.

Learning to use these tools was a challenging but rewarding experience that helped me grow as an artist. They taught me to approach problem-solving programmatically and inspired me to explore innovative ways to combine different mediums and technologies.

Several years ago, I shifted my focus toward web technologies. I found myself intrigued by hypermedia and was eager to experiment with the platform's capabilities. I started learning about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and gradually built my skills in web development. It wasn't easy initially, but I enjoyed creating websites and applications that people could access worldwide.

Since then, I've been honing my skills and learning JavaScript. I completed the Frontend Engineering Career Path certification program at Codecademy and participated in a comprehensive series of React workshops from Frontend Masters. I am always working on personal projects to refine my skills and am determined to stay current within a quickly changing industry.

Currently, I am seeking a full-time role where I can help a company achieve its goals and grow as a valued team member. If you are looking to hire a developer, please feel free to reach out. I would love to hear from you!